Contact Us

For further information about CrossFit Nasti’s methods and services, CrossFit in general, or to make an appointment to visit us, contact Stephen at 513 910 5050.

29 Responses to Contact Us

  1. Susie Q says:

    Expand your bios. We want to know all you have done in the fitness industry and how you came upon Crossfit as a passion. How many years have you been working in the fitness industry and what are all the different types of experiences you have had that have brought you to Corssfit. Great job guys!! Keep it up.

  2. Dustin says:

    Hey guys, thanks for the help.I won unanimous decision. It was a great fight! Thanks again. Dustin

  3. babs says:

    I would like to know more about Brent…perhaps a photo as well. What brought you guys to CF? How long have you been practicing? And I will be in to clean this weekend….

  4. John B says:


    I’ve been playing golf for most of my life. I usually play every Tuesday with a good friend. We both shoot in the upper 70’s and our matches are always close.
    However, after spending three months at CrossFit Nasti, I started crushing with a 30 – 40 yard increase off the tee. My friend just can’t believe how my ball “flys by” his now. The core training at CrossFit Nasti has produced these results and I can’t wait to win all the stew this year… Thanks Brent & Stephen – you guys ROCK!!!!! John B

  5. Mike says:

    Expand to Spartanburg, SC please.

  6. Jessie Heikenfeld says:

    I was thinking about trying you guys out, my sister has been doing Crossfit in Alabama and I’d like to have some good training. Are there any request for earlier classes (like 9:00 or 10:00) I have three young boys and earlier works better in our schedule. Is it a month by month fee or do you have to sign up for an extended period of time?

  7. Stephen says:


    Thank you for your interest in our affiliate, and CrossFit in general! I recommend stopping by at your earliest convenience to meet us, see the facility, and discuss details of our schedules and pricing. We’re always in by 11:00, often earlier. Feel free to call me at 513 910 5050 to set up a time to come in.

  8. Stephen
    Vinny from Motor City Crossfit, saw the video report about your member who got attacked By that M&%$#@* &%$#(#@ in her own home and she kicked his ass. Tell Katy way to go for all of us here in Detroit.

  9. Like Vinny, we at CF Monrovia heard of the attack. Please pass along the messsage that we have shared Katy’s story with all our members. Her strength and courage has inspired our people. Strong girls rock.

  10. JMac - CF Lethbridge says:

    Came across the video today as well, and must say her courage and strength is awesome!! Passed on a link to it to all of our members up here, a real inspiration for the ladies!!

  11. Josh says:

    Can Crossfit nasti help me to become 70s Big?

    This is really all that matters to me.

  12. Maureen Allen says:


    I am moving to Cincinnati in Jan. 2010. I currently do CrossFit in Kansas where I am living. Do you have any other options than the monthly pass for $159? Also, I see on Mapquest that it says your gym is 20 minutes from Evendale, how long do you think this would take in Cincinnati traffic?


  13. Ashley says:

    Can we get this in Columbus?????????????? Or is there something here? Would love it!!!!

  14. kathie klodell says:

    What is the best deal you can give me? I’ve been a fitness instructor for over 15 years and teach at least 2 classes per day, but would love to do a crossfit class. What do you have on Sunday mornings?

  15. vincent grady says:

    I was wondering if you give any deals. I will be home on the 19 of December till the 3 of January on leave for the military. I need a gym to work out in. I crossfit at Redpoint in NC need a gym for when i get home…. thanks Vince

  16. michael hensley says:

    Coming in town from Colorado Springs for the holiday. I attend Driven Strong Crossfit. Was wondering what your policy for guests are? Thx, hope to meet you all at Christmas.

  17. crossfitnasti says:

    Vince & Michael – please give us a call at the numbers listed above. Hope to talk to you both soon.

  18. crossfitnasti says:

    Kathie – we’ve exchanged e-mails in the past in which I have explained our pricing and requirements for training with us. In short, a history as a fitness instructor is no guarantee of mastery of our nine foundational movements. If you are interested in coming in and discussing this further, please do so at your earliest convenience.

  19. Kristy Parrish says:

    Hey Brent and Stephen,

    Hope you all are doing well. I wanted to thank you again for letting me drop by your box back in December when I was home for Christmas. Working on the handstand push-ups, double-unders, and rope climbs was awesome. In fact, you would be proud to know that since then I have improved on rope climbs a ton and have actually demonstrated how to do a rope climb for some fellow Crossfitters. =) Now I might need to do that WOD over again…

    Any chance that you have some more T-shirts by now? I would love to order one and rock some Cincinnati love out here in San Jose at Crossfit Silicon Valley.

    Take care,

  20. Stephan says:

    Hi Stephen and Brent,

    Thanks for the great workout on wednesday. Needed it after all that sitting around in meetings and restaurants! Let me know when tou have more t-shirts, I’d love to get one.


    Stephan from Montreal

  21. Nick V says:

    335lb max deadlift rep 3/30

  22. Navy Mike says:

    Would love to drop in tonight to tomorrow morning. Depends on when I actually hit town. Thanks!

  23. Nick V says:

    110-125-135-145-155 split jerk max on 4/1

  24. Hey Stephen, Aaron from Columbus CrossFit/Ohio Krav Maga. I’ve been traveling around to affiliates in Ohio and PA doing self defense seminars for their members. Little two hour Krav Maga classes, we’ve gotten a lot of requests for them and everyone has a blast during them. Anyway I’ve been looking to come train with you guys in Cinci sometime and Jenna said you’re members might be interested in hitting some stuff and choking each other! hahaha. If you’re interested drop me a line at or just call my cell at 330-519-4280. I’d love to come out and do a class for the Nasti crew, maybe snag a workout while I’m in town! take it easy!!


  25. Jeff Rader says:

    Brent/ Stephen,
    I’m visiting Cincinnati Wed. thru Sunday of this week and wondered if it was possible to visit & work-out with you folks.
    I come from Crossfit Dallas Central (CFDC).

    Thanks, I look forward to hearing .


  26. Sean says:

    Hi, I start classes at XU soon and am currently a member at Crossfit nky. I would like to continue Crossfit at a gym and I was wondering if your monthly charge is any flexible?

  27. Scott Nickell says:

    my wife, Ali and I dropped in on you guys last week and had a great time. thanks for letting us get some strength work done, always good to hang with fellow CF folks. If and when you get new t-shirts in we would love to buy a couple!

  28. steve loeding says:

    Hello – I’m Steve, owner / trainer at Top Gun CrossFit Mpls, MN. I was looking at your programming (very good) and saw you did Wendler. My question is does that work with people coming in whenever ? For instance, not everyone shows up Mondays, some skip days, etc. What has been your experience ?


    Steve Loeding

  29. Stephen says:

    Steve – I’ll shoot you an e-mail soon…

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