Friday – WOD

A. Back squat, 3-3-3 (+)
B1. Hang power clean, 5 x :30 AMRAP @ 95/65; :30 rest
B2. Ring dip, 5 x :30 AMRAP; :30 rest
C. Glute-ham sit-ups, 50 total @ 2020; break as needed

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Weighted bear crawls.

8 Responses to Friday – WOD

  1. Holly says:

    5 rounds of 50 DUs & 15 burpees: 12:36

    I kept missing the double unders in the beginning

    Then I did push ups and sit ups for fun

  2. Ashley says:

    A: 115 (6)
    B1: 55# 6-6-6-7-7
    B2: dips with band 10-7-5-6-7
    C: I dont have a glute ham at home so I substituted with 100 ab mat situps 5:03

    20 min walk and 20 minute of stretch/yoga

  3. Jessie Heikenfeld says:

    A. 164 (8)
    B1, B2 & C yup

    Big crowd today. Great to see.

  4. Rich V. says:

    Wow, what a crowd today!

    Back Squat 3×5 @ 245, missed last rep. Thanks to Jordan E. for that lil spot.
    Bench Press 3×5 @ 185
    Deadlift 5×1 @ 315, EMOM

    B1 & B2 Total: 139
    C. Untimed, had to break it up into 2’s at the end. Ouch!

    It was great trainin’ with Joe. Now for more turkey!

  5. Stephen says:

    A1. Split squat, 3 x 10 @ 3010; :20 rest
    A2. CTB pull-ups, 3 x 25 unbroken; 4:00 rest
    B1. Bench press, 3-3-3 (+); :20 rest
    B2. Glute-ham sit-ups, 3 x 25 unbroken; 4:00 rest

    A1. 14 lbs./hand
    A2. Completed
    B1. 235 for 5
    B2. Reps completed, but short breaks on sets 2 and 3

  6. Melissa H. says:

    Deadlift: 155(10)
    Shoulder Press: 60(9)
    B1/B2: @53 and BB (min hpc 11, min dip 10)
    C unbroken and at tempo! (That is going to hurt tomorrow)

  7. Lindsey says:

    A 146×9
    B1- 15,13,15,15,15
    B2- 15,13,11,11,10
    C had to leave w/o doing GHDSU to get “my hair did”

  8. babs says:

    “300 FY” on Airdyne
    105 cal

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